Сегодня я хочу показать вам фоточки с LA Film festival фильма "Крупицы правды" 13 июня 2003 года.
Эти фотографии сделала BuzzieBaby, а нашла
moveforever, потом повторно их нашла я у нее в дневнике в комментах к какому-то давнему посту.
NataliM разыскала контакты BuzzieBaby и послала ей запрос на разрешение опубликовать их на сайте. Разрешение пришло через довольно долгое время и о фотографиях мы с ней благополучно забыли.
Но когда я раздумывала над этим постом, вдруг вспомнила об их существовании.
Фоточки не представляют из себя ничего сенсационного, но все равно приятно, что они у нас есть.
Другие фотографии с
этого мероприятия.
Так же в фэндоме сохранился отчет об этом событии от Morpheus, на русский язык не переведен.
Может быть найдутся желающие перевести? вопрос решен
Текст отчета на английском языке
LA Film festival
Particles of truth,
13 июня 2003 года
Отчет Morpheus
Jennifer Elster
Gale at the Laemmle Theatre
Saturday, June 13: The lobby of the Director’s Guild of America (DGA) filled with masses of people attending various films entered in the Los Angeles Film Festival. The DGA has two large and one small theatres, comfortable cushioned chairs on a floor sloping to the stage, which has several carpeted steps the length of the room leading up to the stage. We were there quite early and were near the head of the line when finally the sign was set up at the entrance to the theatre showing PoT.
Director/writer/producer/star Jennifer Elster arrived early and conferred with some of the actors in her film and others. Katy had already seen PoT in TriBeCa and was able to identify the actors, plus Jennifer recognized her and greeted her with a big hug, then Jennifer introduced herself to Philflam and me. We were excited to see Faye Dunaway in the lobby – she’s very small and slight, wore a baseball cap and dark glasses but took them off when she greeted somebody.
About 10 minutes before the film started, Gale Harold arrived – he walked into the lobby alone, dressed casually in shiny dark pants, a grey tee shirt and a blue faded-denim like long sleeved shirt, unbuttoned. He was clean shaven and his hair looked beautiful, very Brian-y. Gale chatted with Jennifer and greeted some people he knew.
Finally we were admitted into the theatre and moved down close to the front, hoping for a Q&A afterwards. The middle section was reserved, and this is where Gale sat – then we noticed he sat down next to Scott Lowell, Ron Cowen and Dan Lipman, with Peter Paige on the other side, plus an unidentified man next to Peter. A film festival person introduced the film and the lights went down.
Particles of Truth is a really wonderful, emotional and powerfully moving film, it deserves to find a distributor so that many people can see the film, and can see how fantastic Gale Harold plays his role of Morrison, a damaged and vulnerable but ultimately strong man. Morrison keeps his distance from people by spending his time in his car, observing people and writing about them, but when he sees Lilli (Jennifer Elster’s character), he makes himself get out of the car and pursue her. I’m no film critic and nor am I good at analysis, but I can tell you that the film explores the fears many of us have about reaching out and taking the great risk of giving and receiving love. I won’t say more about the plot, but I have to emphasize how beautifully Gale inhabits Morrison and conveys so much with his eyes. Even when there is no dialogue, you can absolutely see into Morrison’s soul and feel his fears and determination. Gale was wonderful. Jennifer Elster was amazing also, bringing so much real emotion and vulnerability to her role. The rest of the cast were great too, everyone was pitch-perfect in my opinion.
After the credits rolled, Jennifer Elster was introduced and went on stage, then she introduced Gale and a couple others who joined her for a Q&A session. At first it seemed there would be no questions, but then they came rapidly, many technical, industry-type questions about cameras, budget, etc. Jennifer was asked if the story were autobiographical and it is not, though of course anyone who writes puts something of themselves into the story. Someone said Gale was only paid a nickel for his role, but he piped up and said no, he was paid seven cents. Most questions were directed at Jennifer, but Gale was asked about his participation. He said his agent had given him the sсript, he liked it very much and called Jennifer. Then he said she auditioned him on the spot, over the phone – he said they read the sсript together, for over two hours. That was good practice, Gale told us, because he was just learning to read. Later he went to New York and they read the sсript again. At the second Q&A on Monday, Jennifer said that she had originally cast other actors in the lead roles, but after reading with Gale, she wanted him for the part of Morrison and she decided she herself would play opposite him in the role of Lilli. (And who can blame her?)
After the Q&A, everyone filed out of the theatre. We passed the QAF folks, and I called out, “Hi Peter, it’s great to see you again!” (I’d “met” him in Milpitas last year at the DVD signings) and he said hi and gave me a big quizzical smile as if to say, “Should I know you?” Scott was stuck in his row behind Dan and Ron who were talking to fans. I touched Ron’s sleeve and told him how much I love the show and that I hope they get a fifth season; he thanked me and said he hoped so, too!
The lobby was insanely crowded; I gave up on seeing more of Gale and walked toward the doors, then looked over my shoulder and he was coming right toward me. He made his way slowly through the lobby, being stopped every few feet by women wanting to speak to him; when he got close I shoved a copy of his Advocate-cover issue at him, upside down. He grabbed it and turned it around and asked for a pen. A pen? What is a pen? Luckily some nice woman handed him a pen and he signed, while I gushed at him how wonderful he was in the film, so vulnerable and really amazing. He murmured thanks and moved onward. I followed in his wake, he stopped outside and talked to friends, I took a couple more pictures.
Это та самая Морфеус, которая фики писала?
Фото с Джен очень трогательные, так видно ее отношение к Гейлу. Она его сняла в этом фильме как художник, нарисовав портрет дорогого человека.
и мне очень нравится Дженнифер, причём и роль её нравится, и она рядом с Гейлом, они невероятно милы и красивы. И мне кажется им приятно вместе находится
Еще бы) Спасибо за пересказ.
Мне фильм не понравился, но понравился Гейл. И на фестивальных фото-какой же красивый!
спасибо за такие слова)) я уже и не надеялась, что со мной кто-то совпадет в восприятии. очень люблю и фильм, и Моррисона.
yurkina, Мне больше всего нравится линия отношений матери Моррисона и его отца.
да, сильная линия. вот удивительно, как при всем ее куку у Дженнифер невероятная по силе жизненности история получилась.
Ruriko, это один из тех фильмов у Гейла, который задел меня больше всего, он очень глубокий и роль там у него удивительная, особенно учитывая что в это время 2003 он ещё играл Брайана, так перевоплотится в Моррисона - взгляд другой, жесты, мимика - невероятное что-то.
А почему? Режиссура? Сценарий? Что?
yurkina, Согласна одна из самых сильных линий , и если так задуматься одна из самых глубоких проблем - взаимоотношения супругов живущих давно, степень их доверия друг другу, поддержки, открытости... Проблема взросления взрослых если так можно сказать...
У меня один из "любимых" для обдумывания моментов это фраза матери Лилли "Я её родила, что она ещё от меня хочет?" Вот как-то так получилось, что я часто натыкаюсь на что-то подобное, до сих про торкает
ну и Моррисон с Лилли просто прекрасны, они какие-то легкие не от мира сего, и эти образы актёрам так удались, ненавязчивые и трогательные ми-ми-ми
а что с Дженифер не так?
И режиссура и сценарий-очень сыро, имхо.